What are listing variations?
If you sell products on Amazon and yours differ from other sellers’ in terms of colour, size, or packaging. You can display these products in a variety on Amazon, or you can display your listing on a single front page of Amazon. For instance, if you wish to sell dinnerware sets in several colours, you must proceed with a colour variant listing. I’ll demonstrate each step in detail and provide screenshots to demonstrate how to upload your listing in a variant.
The first section of Vital Information must be completed after selecting the category. The most crucial thing to remember is that you don’t need to create a title for just one listing; rather, you need to create a title that encompasses all sizes or colours, depending on which versions you are offering. Observe the illustration below!

Amazon gives you the option to choose the desired variation type in this area. The following are the main types of modifications that Amazon permits, however more variations depend on a category.

You must enter all the information after choosing the colour variation. After choosing a colour kind, as you can see in the part below, they let us enter data.

When you’re done, the variations will show up below. You just need to complete the necessary fields for each one, and you’re done.
After submitting this variation listing, add photos to Child listings.

Add information to child listings.

Place all keyword information in the parent.

Press the Save and Finish button after entering all of the data for these sections.

You may watch the listing appear inside the parent listing on the seller dashboard shortly after you submit it